Gene Decode! Dietary Supplementation Amino Acids & Vitamins. B2T Show Mar 19, 2021 (IS).mp4
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An Ancient War, an Ancient Time, And Ancient Place…
When we consider TV tries to manipulate “our minds” into seeing this world as THEY LIVE want us to see it, it will say this is GOOD, and this is EVIL, yet we know Christ Jesus 1.0 and others in the NEW TESTAMENT like Paul The Apostate said: The MASONS will take command of the world on Both Sides of FLAT EARTH, and those whose EYES cannot go SOLID BLACK will betray all of mankind being MALE and FEMALE, so machine EYES that are the {Light Skins} whom can not keep the Circle of their Pupil’s in their eyes: for they are no longer Human even though they can have children… The SOLIDS are [always] QBALLS~ /_\ portrayed as DEMON Possessed People be they MALE or FEMALE?????, but the ones with (True Power) are not the Witches, or Warlocks, nor even Wizards, but them whom can do Code + Magic + Alchemy = SORCERY, and by way of their MACHINE PEOPLE whose eyes can’t go SOLID BLACK, but their pupils do “Triangles” and Cubes are Flesh, and Blood, and Bones Androids made by the Sorcerers, and Sorceresses of olden days when VAMPIRES walked the earth, and their BLOOD gave us SOLID BLACK EYES too all these Black Holes of DOTS for Sight and Vision!!!
Considering a Life Form has [too feed] +=+ be it any Mystical Mythical Esoteric thing you see while your body rest in slumber on your bed, what are these THINGS that {walk among} we the people whom are Robotic Populations: pretending we LANDED on the Moon and Mars, but all they want is their A.I. God to take over the world even though CONSUMING all things as Consumers will kill, and destroy, and do “decimation” of this Celestial Sphere of PURGATORY the Memory of what happened to all the People’ from the Northern to the Southern Hemispheres in our shared Waking Walking Dream of this Dead, and Broken, and Insane Celestial Sphere.?.?.? We know the People on TV are living, and they are alive in this DE-Ja-Vu Oraborus Curse of the ROMAN Catholic Jesuit Zionist U.N. Troops, and all their FREE MASON C.O.P.S. of {G4S] in every small town too all these (EMPTY) Mega Cities as Marauders of Automobiles drive, and drive, and drive, and as The Oracle for the END of this Age, I have forgotten the GOD OF DEATH aka these GOLEM made of CLAY are Machines, and have not {True Emotions} as they repeat the MISTAKE of bringing the EDISON A.I. Too life…
I pay ever so “close” attention too anyone on TV, and these SCREENS of the RAPTURE that so many prayed for with their CROSSES on their Steeples marking their Churches as a place of the dead, and since I no longer attend any religion: I know this IN GOD WE TRUST is about a Trust like A Debt Slave as Peter The Rock spoke, and since G.O.D. only means GOVERNMENT OVER DEMOCRACY, and not Government OF Democracy` Then those whom seek to be War Heroes are doing MURDER of WE THE PEOPLE, and they are dammed, and cursed, and forsaken to “always” and forever REPEAT their Mistakes here in Hell, and Hades as (Machine People) with Machine Eyes, and it is not the Beady Eyes of BLACK DOTS, nor eyes that can go SOLID BLACK, but ONLY these Cold Empty EYES of the Blue and Green IRIS of ISIS!!! Look into peoples eyes, and watch [their eyes] [{**}] for so many are Robots and Robotic with their FAST FOOD Plastic “Styrofoam” lives, and they use Chemicals, and Solvents too wash their clothes, and cars, and crystal dishes as ROBOT PILOTS in Android Jumbo Jets whom spray our SKIES keeping OUR Yellow Sun of Life a DEAD {White Light} [{*}] as trees, and life, and plants weaken year after year, and do THEY LIVE care whom must watch this TV SHOW??? No, they just make BITCOIN to depopulate the CURRENT for the Currency “we need” too power our Electrical Homes…
What ever happened too make certain people: and even family members have SOLID BLACK EYES, and yes they can do many other Magical Things with their eyes, yet it is these Blue and Green “Eyes” that never go SOLID BLACK, or have not been turned into [Black Holes] for Eyes that concerns me more for these BLUE EYES with their Mr. Roboto Expressions are the “Light” Skins making all the A.I. Phone Apps that keep our children awash in electromagnetic Microwave (Radiation) as so many children can’t put their CELL PHONES down as the Mark of the BEAST they do so too hold in their hands: and all these {Lies agreed upon} where TV Shows beam into their minds as THE MARK OF THE BEAST on their still developing Physical Heads, and when the BOOK OF REVELATION said none can buy or sell without the MARK OF THE BEAST, do youm know “anyone” whom can Travel or Do Trade without these Black Mirror Algorithmic INTERFACES of Technological CAPITALIST [Americanizations] we all have too carry from here to there.?.?.? IN under just 10 years from 2011 A.D. to 2021 A.D. no one leaves home “without” the MARK as a BEAST carrying a Tracking Tracing Device made by them’ whom are CORPORATIONS, and Capitalist as their Golden Arches fill our heads…
Johnny Exodice
Look at one another eyes…. Talk to one another about what you see… We are reliving the NEW TESTAMENT each and every one of us: as Hell and Hades leaves [no way out] for them whom will not follow the NARROW PATH of Honesty on all matters, and just know MACHINES are programmed (too lie) /-\ about landing on the MOON and MARS, and their C.G.I. Crystal Ball of a Globe {fills your eyes} from NASA to Star Wars the people whom once loved you are no more` for they seek TOO WORSHIP the things on these SCREENS too be like them, too act like them, too dress like them, but these PEOPLE on {TV} are a Presentation called: LET US ENTERTAIN YOU where Demons, and Devils, and even Angels of Light and Music (Masquerade) a Fantasy of Enchantments as CHARMED has already stolen their souls, so do not lose [YOUR SOULS] +=+ too these things whom have no compassion, nor mercy, and NO WAY HOME…
The Society of nonmason~
TV is THE SHOW MUST GO ON…. The life you walk “among” all these Strangers in your EMPTY Mega Cities, and hopefully still have Population in your Small RURAL Towns are still this: ALL THE WORLD IS A STAGE… Learn too discern right from wrong for GOOD can never be EVIL, and EVIL can never be GOOD…
The Sentinel…
Why is their GOLDEN ARCHES in {every place} youm go from MADE IN CHINA to the Congo??? Cause CORPORATIONS run the world, and you “peasants” need Cheap Human Meat too feed…
The Commander~
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