FREE RANGE with Gail of Gaia Teams Up with Global Voice Network with Paul Biener in Joint Effort To Inform - Roundtable
Round Table question and answer from the audience with Ted Mahr, Pattie Brassard, Drake Bailey, Gail and Paul to bring you the latest Live and recorded Intel.
Remedies from chat:
Ted’s links :
Homemade Hydrochloroquine
3 rinds of lemons
3 rinds of grapefruit
up, slow simmer 2 inches water for 2 to 3 hours, let it cool down
can add zinc tablet in it- crush it up
Drink as a pine needle tea
Pine needle tea (Dr Judy Mitkovitz)White Pine is best, can also use Doulgas Fir and Spruce She also suggests the use of CBD's
Shedding women very susceptible 98% vs men at 50%
Host defense one company includes mushrooms
Colloidal silver
Vitamin C
Dandelion Root
“Vit D3 and Glutathione has been [proven to be very effective in studies”
See Longevity with Dr Rouse at
Alakalinity is best to achieve see SOS and hemp paste at
Also, scalar light can help dissemble prions and nano at the molecular level
Scalar light:
**** mention Gail of Gaia at Scalar light and you can get a 30 day free trial
‘Hu” meditation technique 3 to 5 techniques
Prayer count 10 to 0 breaths in between snap fingers I command prime creator , I command Prime Creation to heal fme from the “ “I am completely healed, then repeat 1 to 10
Website Christopher James
They do live streams on Thursdays, can go to website and register for the live streams
Discusses non consent to rules of civil procedure in a courthouse
Admiralty law vs constitutional law
So many people are unaware
Discussed cognitive dissonance
Inner flat earth machine controlling the “mental middle flat earth” more mind control, broadcast array
Questions from audience
1. Will we ever be free from the non human entity race that rules the planet and will ascension help from this?
Answer: Yes, most done by end of year, pockets of earth at different times
i.e. Mount Shasta 1st, battle there, Japan
everyone going to 4d first
classes, need to learn non lying telepathic communication and integrate with other ETs
entire planet by 2025 per Ted to 5D, going to 4D now\may not know what happened negative stuff will be pulled out of the
head there
Brainwashing with mass media is difficult, some can’t handle the truth
If people don’t wake up, won’t ascend – will go to another earth, planet
Isn’t the US corporation foreclosed on?
Answer: Yes, defunct, chapter 7 bankruptcy and all under it, including courthouses
Not allowed to collect money from you for everything
Flash of light and everything changes?
Answer: Yes, Quantum wave after 3 to 4 - multiples itself exponentially
Natural flashes on solstices, where we are in the galaxy above the ecliptic plane, will be hit from frequencies keeps going up
Until, no one can remain asleep anymore
People by free we will split into their own choices, realities
Spiritually, give info twice and let seed grow…. Frustrating to give truth to people who don’t want to listen
Karmic Law now back in play who refuse to change get back 3 fold whatever you give out
Manifested reality based on 3 s , power 3-6-9, 3 sided pyramids , draw lines to center unlimited regressive data storage
Tetrahedron 4 sided not based on earth, base 4 thessosians
From chat the Truth is what you believe
Are they coming to the surface tom be seen, i.e. Dracos, spiders
Answer: perhaps
Being hit by microwave and frequencies?
Answer: scalar can be used for good or bad all tech
i.e. Melbourne , Australia locked down with neg tech and contact tracing at café, etc fascist state
a lot of protests,
What is causing dizziness, swaying
Answer: some 5G, some knowledge out of the south pole if people will let it in
Ringing in the ears, frequency of knowledge doesn’t match the person’s
Also, frequency pouring into earth that will continue to ramp up from where we are in the galaxy and from benevolent ETs around the earth in stealth mode
To help with symptoms: Unplug routers/turn off feel better and better sleep, can get older routers that aren’t 5G capable
Many have waited for this time in history
For many, the last lifetime before we ascend, possibly 4 more years
Be positive and hold the light
If any people on earth are angels, how best to ask angels and guides for help?
Answer: Everyone has their own true self and a noncorporal guide to help you go thru the transition
Everyone has at least one angel around them, if lucky old pets and deceased family members never leave you and will be waiting for you….. Benevolent beings
2.5 million ships including drones are around the earth beaming positive energy, can ask galactic alliance
Entire planets in stealth mode around earth can seek protection
Do guys in small towns need to stock up?
Answer: Yes,

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