FREE RANGE: Gail of Gaia Talks With Drake Bailey and Co Host Paul Biener About Current Events on The Planet
The full video is available now on THANK YOU to those beautiful souls who have been Kind and Considerate enough to contribute to the channel. Big love to you! If you are able to contribute it is greatly appreciated and needed but if you cannot we understand. Send your future questions to:
I need to make affiliate links and find additional ways to generate revenue to keep going. I appreciate your support so very much! Thank you. I am going to have to be selling some products through affiliate links only to keep this going. I will chose products that I use or have used myself.
Please send to:
Gail Ross
PO Box 20971
Sedona, AZ 86341
For paypal donations:
Music in this video
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High & Dry
Licensed to YouTube by
Epidemic Sound (on behalf of Epidemic Sound); Epidemic Sound Publishing