FN SCAR Assault Rifle .223 Remington Dr. Sean Hross (He is under "celdar" surveillance, very important for the unsworn to discover celdar)
This is Dr. Sean Hross who noticed that Youtube vids with guns got millions of more views than his enlightenment videos... haa... so Hross now holds a gun if it is available.
What is very important here is the "Celdar surveillance" that I noticed.
Those little floating things are indicators that he is being monitored by "CELDAR". I will show you celdar surveillance. You can search for it but the real information is shadow-banned and blocked from public searches.
Dr. Barrie Trower described the surveillance here: https://ugetube.com/watch/dr-b....arrie-trower-explain
I see a guy is copying my videos or names: https://ugetube.com/watch/barr....ie-trower-explains-c which is great!
My evidence of Celdar surveillance: https://ugetube.com/watch/celd....ar-microwave-radar-s https://ugetube.com/watch/scan....ned-by-high-tech-cel
Celdar nano-surveillance looks like floaties or orbes, but if you study the floaters you will detect them pulsating... dust does not pulsate. this is "CELDAR"!!! on Hross. He may be brainchipped, too, by now.
The wwCult gave you the secret of brainchip floaters within this video: http://heliofant.com/ at this part: https://i.imgur.com/PsFXFR6.png
The Cult is saying to you: "Na, na... na, boo, boo" we are watching and controlling you.

The SCAR truly is the way to enlightenment.