Financing Global Green Growth | Green Horizon Summit 2020
Infrastructure investments in the coming decade will determine the fate of the Paris Agreement and the quality of life for hundreds of millions globally. New investments in low-carbon and climate-resilient initiatives are needed – particularly in cities – to unlock growth and jobs. But investing in infrastructure remains a challenge, especially at the municipal level. What is needed to mobilize capital at scale to support green growth?
Speakers: Danny Alexander, Lord Nicholas Stern, Alberto De Paoli, Odile Françoise Renaud-Basso, Shemara Wikramanayake, Luhut B. Pandjaitan, Manus Cranny, José Viñals, Sherry Madera, Catherine McGuinness, Tobias C. Pross, Ewen Stevenson, Ma Jun, H.R.H. The Prince of Wales
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