I started The Light Bulb Initiative two years ago because when I turned on my light I realized how many of my brothers and sisters were still stumbling around in the dark. I didn’t expect to be censored, suppressed, insulted, shamed, mocked and de-platformed; just for speaking my mind. I didn’t realize, that in spite living in the safest time in human history, so many of my brothers and sisters are living in constant fear and being led by individuals who want to keep it that way. My mission is simple, “welcome all who are brave enough to share their thoughts and help as many as I can to turn on their light”. That’s it. No matter how much I am censored, no matter how many insults are hurled my way, no matter how many times I’m de-platformed; I will not be thrown off course. I will not be dissuaded. I fight for my family, as any real man should. I fight for my country, as any real patriot should. And I fight for you, as any brother should.
ON PODCAST: https://anchor.fm/lightbulbinitiative/episodes/FEAR-CAN-MAKE-USEFUL-IDIOTS-OF-US-ALL-e1ioq47