FALSE FLAG ALERT- Deep State Warns About Attacks To Energy Grid
FALSE FLAG ALERT- Deep State Warns About Attacks To Energy Grid

england was needing sea org in france to monitor europe with diana crew : all of them in jail ; miterand, tapie, balkany, sarkozy, fillon, dsk ...

each of them made own police to escape justice as dcri, dgsi, dst, sdec, oss ...

pedonazi clique from sea org impersonating dgse with fake passport in adidas jogging on vespa scooter as caroline sarkozy aka wessman, chirac aka tenzin, holande aka robert and francois and philippe, miterand aka abdel, petain-mcraghnall-arnaud aka macron

hollande son infiltrating front national from church community next to notre dame in middle of paris with fake passport as chirac son with fraudulent indian passport in tcv

check vedrine and belkacem in mcleodganj with hollande and chirac son faking india