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Fake Science Brainwashing The Masses

JamesRoss - 361 Views
Published on 04 Mar 2023 / In

Do You Want Humanity To Become a Legend?

Freemasons don't only want the extinction of Homo sapiens... they are all unwittingly actively striving for it along with their other fellow-Luciferians.

Their reward is a fake mind-upload into A.i.-Lucifer, their fake-god and false-savior. Freemasons are simply tricked by their worshiped devils due to their incompetence of intellect. (Yet they like to gloat how smart they are compared to the sheople.)

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JamesRoss 1 year ago  

The way that the Luciferian religion or Cult operates is that they serve the failed, ancient mankind, Homo capensis, the old devils. Old satan pretends that technology and science can solve everything, but this is a devils' lie. The old devils are tricksters upon the young and naive Homo sapiens species. Neanderthals did not die out naturally due to "selection" by Nature, no, the old devils did not want their genetics to remain upon Earth so during the Atlantean Empire Neanderthals were attempted to be extincted.
They became "Legend".

Most university anthropology professors are just Luciferian minions who tote the same lies demanded by their ancient masters. Much-all science is now just a prostituted handmaiden to an outworn technology called A.i. placed in the control of Homo capensis, again, and their plan is to make Homo sapiens a legend, too.

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JamesRoss 1 year ago

There is no virus that eraticates a entire species that the Creator-God deems still worthy, according to the Sethbooks. Thinking the way Luciferians think comes from mass-media NEWS and Hollywood weaponized entertainment. Nature is hardly self-defeating having it's foundations within the multidimensional universe provided by the Creator. It is from the minds and desires of the collective of men that causes the erratication of any species because physical reality is simply a playground for spiritual growth. Yes, yes... cataclysms can extinct entire species off the planet but what caused such atrocities? There is a spiritual process that is occuring as mankind slowly destroy's Nature and himself out of ignorance, stupidity and self-righteous-greed. Luciferians are in the process of destroying themselves and others are just along for the ride, in many ways. Don't forget that the Creator has many probable Earths and probable mankinds, but this is your current version of mankind and you best think things through before pulling any plugs to the drain. The old devils are proving severe-unworthiness as self-righteous, spiritual-morons and will lose control of their minions as they desparately attempt another extinction of Homo sapiens. There is no working mind-upload into A.i. and never has been such an escape from creaturehood for the unworthy. Remnant-Lumanians have destroyed their world-wide-takeover of Earth many times, the last attempt being "the sinking of Atlantis." Why did it sink? Unworthiness is the answer, you see. It appears that now that the foundations of life is their target ofter the loss of so many cone-headed monsters during the last thunderbolt from Mars. Their self-righteous desire is to kill the Earth's ecosystem of a living Nature that supports all life... hence the GMO research and the mRNA bullshit. Their henchmen are those horrible Luciferian minions, like the Freemasonic fake-brotherhood... those thUgs are murderers who would kill their own mothers if their Remnant-Lumanian masters demanded it.

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