Facial recognition firm claims Antifa infiltrated Trump supporters who stormed capitol. More news
I look into some video and allegations that have begun to surface that Antifa members may have infiltrated the Trump supporters and caused violence inside the Capitol building. Was security in D.C. adequate? Why did the Mayor of Washington D.C. order some Federal law enforcement to stand down? Was the Capitol building adequately protected? Who is the man with the horns? Why is the man pictured with him in the New York Post, showing a hammer and sickle tattoo on his hand? Were some of the people in the capitol building yesterday not Trump supporters? President Trump's twitter is also still suspended. His message to supporters to be peaceful and go home was removed by Twitter. L. Lin Wood has also been suspended from twitter.

**Update. XR Vision has now denied the Washington Times Story:

LISTEN TO THE VIDEO you hear them "go antifa go antifa" this crime is proof positive the criminal actions of the left

If you have not listened to the 52 minute tape the mcallistertvonline talks about in her video, you need to. It tells EXACTLY what is going on. See her video on CIA, PENCE, OBAMA....Yeah, she is off the wall about some stuff, but not the 52 minute tape!

This shows the only way to make a difference is to paying people off with millions of dollars. Pay to play is how you make a difference. Ask the clintons, Gates, Anthony Fauci, and George Soros.