Police escorted Antifa busses to the Trump Rally ! Antifa dressed as Trump supporters
Police brought Antifa to the Trump Rally !

The cops better get their damn heads out of their corrupt ass and back the people and not terrorists or they can go down with the terrorists!?

If you Google antifa.com you get biden's website! That's biden in a nutshell! Antifa has openly said that they want to destroy America so they are fucking terrorists that should be shot on site! Now they have dressed up as Trump supporters and attacked the capital which the Fake news Traitors will say Trump supporting terrorists did it! We are in a war and these Traitors that have taken money to attack America don't deserve to live in America and are the enemies of the people the same as ISIS or any terrorists group! We need to go to war on antifa and blm.
They are Traitors not AMERICANS!!!!

Great, more proof that America is in BIG trouble with the coup.

Cops work for there master not the People are in fact the Enemy’s of the People.