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Facebook Fact Checkers - Biased, FAKE NEWS!

Shockwave Media
Shockwave Media - 630 vistas
630 vistas
Publicado en 28 May 2020 / En Cine y Animación

When you research these so-called 'fact-checkers' on Facebook and other platforms we find that more than likely they have a biased 'opinion' and also call people's posts false when in fact, they are not. I personally have had to write the Editor of Politifact to have her remove fake claims against memes and articles that I have posted. They had to remove them and I have the emails and screenshots to prove it.

*Its time to start suing these people (fact checkers) and the platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and others who have hired them. President Trump has now signed an Executive order allowing them to be sued to start on 4-28-20. STAND UP FOR YOUR FREE SPEECH RIGHTS or you will have nothing left. Trump signing the executive order against Social Media.

Make sure to follow Ben Swan on Facebook!

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