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Exposing the fraud of 9/11 in 22 minutes

verdadepura1984 - 604 Views
Published on 28 Nov 2020 / In Film and Animation

Taken from news clips and segments of youtube videos like, 911: Painful Deceptions, 911 Mysteries and Loose Change, this 22 minute video aims to tie together facts given in each of those well done documentaries in order to reveal just a few highlights of the many unanswered questions and problems with the "official story" concerning the events of 9/11. On a deeper level, this video may also be telling us that Babylon is indeed rising. See for more.

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SouthVA 757
SouthVA 757 4 years ago

Had there been a fire throughout the towers, so fierce that it melted the steel structure, no one could have gotten up or down those stairs. The temperature would have been too hot to get anywhere near those towers, and the people on the floors where the "planes" impacted, would have been incinerated, and never could have survived to jump out of the windows. The special structural steel design that held the exterior walls in place, would never have allowed any passenger jet to penetrate the towers, even a little. Chunks and bits of the jets would have been strewn all around that area, and more people would have died on the ground than inside of the towers.

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