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Everybody Panic! The Sky Is Falling! What A Load Of Gibberish! 🤣🤣🤣 It’s the end of the world! The end of humanity! The end of everything! And it’s all our fault! Apparently we messed up the

Patrick Budrionis
Patrick Budrionis - 273 Views
Published on 16 Aug 2023 / In

Everybody Panic! The Sky Is Falling! What A Load Of Gibberish! 🤣🤣🤣

It’s the end of the world! The end of humanity! The end of everything! And it’s all our fault! Apparently we messed up the oceans and now they can’t regulate the heat or something… no, hold on, also we made earth spin faster… no, hold on, apparently the earth’s core is in turmoil… wait, there was also something else…I can’t remember, but it doesn’t matter, the point is, we’re all going to die!!!! 🤣🤣🤣

We should listen to this expert from CERN because he’s not freaky or anything…

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