Ethylene oxide | C2H4O Used for Nose swabs with Covid19 tests-Nose-swabs
eeZee ~ goingb0nk3rs - 15,115 Views
Published on 29 Apr 2021 / In Health
Its suffficess to copy and paste this in wikipedia to see what kind of dangerous chemical it is on itself even if you would stick it up your nose, I think i personally rather snort cement which they use to make cocaince pure lumps with after bathing it grinded up fror a few hours and floating it in pure petrol from the pump before it goes through the microwave to dry it to the powder most people love having a bag from to go nd party with? Just have a look what u find about it and then think of it each time it get shuvved up our noses or your childrens!
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4 years ago
I really like this gal... so much so I would like to learn to immitate her accent... or is it me who has the accent. Haa. in any case I will not want a swab up my nostril, either way.
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