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Ep. 694 - The Physics and Poetry of Eastern Medicine | Judyth Shamosh

Answers Network
Answers Network - 430 Views
Published on 08 Nov 2022 / In Health

11-7-22 Allen Cardoza Interviews Judyth Shamosh

Most of us are familiar with conventional medicine, which uses scientific research and data, and linear thinking to treat disorders and diseases. But this is not the only approach to medicine, health, and wellness, as Dr. Judyth Shamosh well knows. Science is more than hard facts. Take modern physics, for example. It is creative and reflective of everyday experiences, in the same vein as poetry. In fact, in Dr. Judyth Shamosh’s new book, The Physics, and Poetry of Eastern Medicine, there are many parallels between physics and poetry. But, it takes a different thought process to see them.

Dr. Judyth joins us today to explore a systems approach to medicine. Rather than relying solely on the knowledge and data associated with linear thinking, a systems-physician problem-solves by understanding the complex interrelationships of organ systems, as well as environmental influences.

In addition, the patient’s participation becomes integral to the healing process. With the prevalence of chronic illness in children and adults, a systems approach can be worth exploring.

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Sunny Anna 2 years ago

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