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Elevate Your Consciousness | Learn Astral Travel

The Human Collective
Published on 26 Sep 2022 / In

Understanding the basics of Astral Travel within the astral plane, is crucial to mastering the art of astral projection. A question that is often asked, is how to tell the difference between an astral projection and a lucid dream. There are three conditions that come up. In the first, you dream that you are in an astral state. In the second, you have a lucid dream that you are astral projecting, and in the third condition, you are actually astral traveling.

For many, astral travel may be a puzzling notion. For lucid dreamers, it bears striking resemblances with internally generated wake induced lucid dreams (WILDs). It is possible to elevate your consciousness with astral travel. Interestingly, the core experience of astral projection, out of body experiences, sleep paralysis and wake induced lucid dreams are very similar.

As you dissociate from your body, you begin to feel as if you're floating. Your mind shuts off awareness from your physical body. As long as you are awake, and your body falls asleep, you will naturally transfer your awareness to a more flexible replica body, known as your light body or higher self. You could describe this as a spirit or astral body. Or you could call it your lucid dream body. It's all about perspective.

The dream state, or astral plane, experience will be highly subjective. If astral projection is real, spiritualists would see angels and UFOlogists would see extra terrestrials, because that's what they expect to see. It depends on your mind and, as in a lucid dream, is driven by conscious and unconscious expectations.

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