El documental “The Universal Antidote” (El Antídoto Universal) - AGUA AMARILLA
El documental “The Universal Antidote” (El Antídoto Universal) - AGUA AMARILLA AbriendoConciencias.com Humanosporlaverdad.com #ensayosdioxidodecloroChile #humanosporlaverdad #ensayosCLO2Chile
Hi Id like to know who made this documentary. . I liked it so much, and I shared it with my daughter who is more skeptical and wanted to know the source. Please if you could let me know who you are who made this and give me "fact check" so I can show her that it is trustworthy.
yo lo uso hace un año y me ha protegido de contagios com el Coronavirus , soy una persona de la tercera edad y no he tenido ningún efecto secundario
Thousands of people have saved their lives with this miraculous substance, including 60 from my family, people up to 90 years old with covid and other diseases. Thank God and these scientists.