Dr. Vernon Coleman on The Richie Allen Show
Gee Gee Tee - 1,287 Views
Published on 08 Dec 2020 / In News and Politics
Dr. Vernon Coleman discusses the latest developments around the new Covid-19 vaccines. The Over-80's will begin receiving the first dose of the Pfizer/BioNtech jab tomorrow. Dr. Coleman explains why he and many of the UK's doctors would not take the vaccine themselves. This is unmissable. For more on Dr. Vernon Coleman and to access his books, go to http://www.vernoncoleman.com
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Johnny Exodice
4 years ago
When you Employer says: You can Work unless you get the VAXXED you just tell your Manager or Associate, I am taking you to Criminal COURT for Discrimination, and you better bring some PROOF this COVID19 is real cause Legally I CAN Sue you for Damages and Intimidation. #JINX [{*}]
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