5/10/2020 - Dr Vernon Coleman on The Richie Allen Show
The tests throw up more false positives than positives, and independent experts have said that the entire testing programme should be abandoned. Despite this, the testing programme is being increased. In the UK, there has been talk of testing every single person every single day at a cost of £100 billion a year. Since the Government finds it difficult to test more than 100,000 a day, it is inconceivable that they would ever be able to test over 60 million people a day. And the testing would take up most of the Gross National Product. Testing everyone daily makes as much sense as giving everyone their own nuclear submarine.

great interview with VC cheers for sticking it up! #ignore_covid_orders

Now you have “wondered” what is Purgatory???, and Why are WE THE PEOPLE born into a Celestial Sphere where the FREE MASON [Faked] @QBALL /_\ The Moon Landings by using the TV Screens to Hypnotize you into a FALSE Reality.?.?.? Do we not all now know that them “that” attend the FREE MASON Lodges where we live are them that Run The City Town Hall, The Religions in our Area, our Local Jails and all these EVIL Wicked FREE MASON C.O.P.S. ???
Once you know FREE MASON “be they” Demolay – Jobs Daughters – Shriners – Rainbow Girls – Eastern Star are all JADE HELM 15 U.N. Spies for this (COVID19) PROJECT BLUE BEAM World Domination Plot by their {NEWS} World Order where that stinking [MASON] Q’s in your Home Towns sent you off to do WAR IS MURDER for the “U.S. FLAG” so these Free Mason could use the UNITED NATIONS to take over this side of FLAT EARTH with their Control of {All Media} be it Local to International News Post……., then it is NOT time too know now: What these FREE MASON Lodges are all “about” in my hometown as a nonmason CITIZEN of my U.N. FLAG???
Follow The Above Link, and learn “my nonmason” Citizen why your Mom and Dad was made too Kill other humans aka more of we NONMASON’ in other lands cause FREE MASON Run All Military U.N. FLAG CORPORATIONS….
The Society of nonmason~
We Are Pak-Toe… We don’t do Racka… WE TAKE THEM OUT!!!