Dr. Katherine Horton Going Viral - Global Crime Fighters 9
source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6cSA1UdfyLM
Well, that is pleasing to see, Horton is now exposing the masons at the crux of her assaults... she is figuring out the wwCult. Very good to see.
She starts the broadcast by explaining her 3-months long absence from YouTube and social media.
0:31 - 0:36 GCHQ/NSA SABOTAGE OF BROADCAST (watch for covert info encoded in screen image)
0:48 Previous court hearing on 12. Dec. 2019
2:50 Numerology
11:58 Revocation of Swiss residence permit
15:30 Connection between the Jesuits and MI6
17:15 Liechtenstein
20:15 Working with investigators in the US and recovering
29:20 Victim affidavits: https://stop007.org
31:18 Rebuilding life from scratch
32:08 Thanks to Marie Kondo
35:43 The global scourge
36:38 CDC image of the supposed culprit
43:25 Deadly or not, a Masonic shit-show regardless
48:50 How they pull off the Masonic shit-show
58:00 Government employees vs the self-employed
1:04:00 Law enforcement
1:05:05 NYPD using drones to enforce "social distancing"
1:06:50 Weaponised drones shooting at victims
1:11:15 Military-lovers and Jesus-lovers
1:16:55 Weaponised vaccines for NAZI-style serial numbers on victims
1:17:30 Microchips in vaccinations
1:19:34 Dr. Rauni Kile revealed microchips were put in bird-flue and swine-flue vaccines
1:22:36 Chinese researcher escorted from infectious disease lab amid RCMP investigation
1:28:10 The (lacking) logic of the Communist Party's actions
1:35:05 [Exclusive investigative report] The first documentary movie on the origin of CCP virus(Coronavirus) - VIDEO TAKEN PRIVATE ON YOUTUBE AFTER THIS BROADCAST
1:36:15 Amazon apparently hired lots of employees AHEAD OF TIME
1:37:34 Freeze, flight & fight
1:39:50 False Flags used to prepare CDC powers etc.
1:43:05 Cartel-Signalling on Fox News - Trump discusses bold plan to reopen the economy in ‘Hannity’ exclusive
1:56:22 Republics vs Democracies and how to support Trump
2:02:55 Trump ripping the CIA's press another one
2:16:17 Good News!
Now, she has to figure out that the mason brother-hood of thUgs are not smart enough to create the Mystery School Cult that organizes all the secret-societies to work together. Neither are the high level Knights Templar smart enough to create an agenda that tried to avoid the possible 2003 Mars pass-by thunderbolt. The thunderbolt did not happen, but the atmosphere of Mars turned blue as the desire to thunderbolt was present. This is where the Greek and roman planet gods fought with lightning. My channel is good for teaching the weird stuff.
Dr. Horton does not seem to be a shill (like Karen Hudes is a shill... https://ugetube.com/watch/kare....n-hudes-world-bank-i with her worshipping the "New Dawn" at the beginning of covid, and identifying my resistance to death when I contacted her, she is connected and she is backpeddling about exposing Homo capensis, Too late Hudes, now the puzzle pieces expose the source of the Mystery School Cult, the human minions are too dumb to make that Cult, Homo capensis created it and guides it.) Horton is not catching onto the covert brainchip implant inside her skull, or maybe she is a fantastic actor, which would be sad. But she did work at CERN and that is thUg-central.
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