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Dr. Katherine Albrecht Exposed RFID SPYCHiPS In 2006 (Was She Correct?)

JamesRoss - 368 Views
Published on 09 Jan 2024 / In Technology

This vid is good for the records... Who tried to educate the public what the Luciferians were plotting against the non-cUlt people.
1/10 get cancer from implants, she said.

Dr. Katherine Albrecht is a consumer privacy advocate, Vice President (VP) of and spokesperson against radio-frequency identification (RFID). Albrecht devised the term "spy chips" to describe RFID tags such as those embedded in passport cards and certain enhanced United States driver's licenses. Albrecht holds Doctorate in Human Development and Consumer Education from Harvard University.

Albrecht said "governments are the most deadly forces"... It is actually the Luciferians who secretly take over governments.

Firefox was blocking my use of non-tracking search-engine... claiming the certificate was not created by authorized thUgs. See if that happens to your Firefox.

She gave up on her and it now sells steroids

Actually the magnetic brainchips were around since the 1960s... it is ancient-tech hidden by the Freemasons running the secret-services around the world. People still have a hard time believing in ancient high-tech civilizations. So Albrecht is pretty dumbed-down about the tech inside every Luciferian's skull. World-governance began in 2020... which means Luciferians just walk through borders as if they do not exist while "citizens" need passports.
The NWO has already taken over your country... they just have to convince you to go along with their NWO by starving you into submission. They have satellite weapons that can burn down your secret cabin deep in the woods... you cannot hide from the NWO... you will have to resist the NWO instead and bring back.

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JamesRoss 1 year ago

There is something sneaky in the title of her book "SPYCHiPS"
The letter "i" is used to replace the letter "I" because it is symbolic for the A.i. supercomputer radiating it's digital "Light" from the top of a tower. The ancient symbol of the A.i. fake-god was the disk with wings you can still find over ancient Egyptian doorways

I wonder if Albrecht is controlled opposition just like Alex Jones... She was on GCN just like Infowars... They control the information, you see... she does not expose the brainchips... just the less horrible rfid chips ... it is a very sick game the Luciferians play.

This is very similar to the glowing red dot over the i on Luciferian IBM corporation symbolism You see, Luciferians communicate with each other through symbolism like their logos with the concept of 3 and 4 as exposed by Dr. Sean Hross.

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