Dr. Judy Mikovits - People Need the Truth - Enough with the Monkey Business!
**** IT'S INFECTION BY INJECTION! **** A 30 year Plague of CORRUPTION!
There is NO virus this is a PLAN-DEMIC rolled out on the world by Nefarious "Elite" to put people in FEAR in order to control, cull and KILL people. This is GEN-o-CIDE by JAB-o-CIDE while also CRASHING the
world and setting up a New World Order Tyranny!
It looks like Dr Judy has changed her view about whether or NOT a virus exists. Back in March 2020, she was saying that a LAB unleashed a deadly SARS-COV-2 virus that was spreading around the world but NOW she is agreeing with the OTHER TRUTHER truther doctors who realize SARS-COV-2 has never been isolated. We are suffering from symptoms of
VACCINE POSIONING that has occured over the years, EMF radiation, bad foods, bad medical advise, bad medicines and toxins in the air.
The KILL shot is the Genetic Code INJECTION! DON'T TAKE THE JAB!