Dr. JUDY MIKOVITS (Part 1) ~ "Truth, Secrets And Lies & Plague Of Corruption" [Age Of Truth TV]
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PART 1 of the 2 fascinating, informative, eye-opening and controversial interview shows with Dr. JUDY MIKOVITS by AGE OF TRUTH TV, where we take questions from the Age Of Truth TV audience. Interviewed by Presenter and Investigative Reporter, Lucas Alexander, featuring Co-host & Producer, Lauge Felix Black.
WHAT IS HAPPENING ON PLANET EARTH at the moment in 2020, with the global lockdown due to the Cov- id 19 Coro navir us? What is really going on and why? What is this virus, and what could be the actual political control agenda behind these drastic world changes?
Dr. JUDY MIKOVITS PhD, in an ME/CFS Bio-Medical Scientist, Researcher, Virologist and previously the Research Director at the Whittemore Peterson Institute (WPI). She is one of the authors of the 2011 case definition, International Consensus Criteria for ME. Her work focus now centers mostly on autism and opposition to vaccines. Dr. Judy Mikovits founded M.A.R.C. Inc with Dr Francis Ruscetti in 2016. She has become one of the most controversial ladies and voices in the world in 2020 in regards to speaking out against the official narrative, and the officially acknowledged science of the Sars- Co V-2 virus and Cov id-19 pandemic, which Dr. Mikovits famously calls a Plandemic, also the title of one of the most talked about and controversial documentary films this year (2020) featuring Dr. Judy Mikovits.
Dr. Judy Mikovits blames coronavirus outbreak on a ‘circular cabal’ led by Bill Gates and accuses Dr. Anthony Fauci, whom she worked with in her early years, of burying her research, smearing her name and reputation. She also says that wearing a mask ‘activates your own virus’. She is the author of the new book: "Plague Of Corruption".
There is much to be said, and most of everything we can think of asking is being covered in these two explosive and compelling interviews with Dr. Judy Mikovits by Age Of Truth TV, where this one is the first interview, PART 1.
We are including questions from the audience that many subscribers and viewers sent us for Dr. Mikovits. Even more of these great questions will be included in PART 2.
Dr. JUDY MIKOVITS: "Plague Of Corruption:
Copenhagen, Denmark
& via ZOOM to
Los Angeles, California, USA
2nd June 2020
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