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Dr. Judy Mikovits – Fauci’s C-19 Crimes Aren’t His First ‘Plandemic’

Slawomir Slowianin
Slawomir Slowianin - 1,030 vistas
1,030 vistas
Publicado en 14 Aug 2021 / En

HAS THE COVID-19 VIRUS BEEN ISOLATED? The sequence is NOT a virus!

Has all of this been smoke and mirrors? Has SARS-CoV-2 really never been isolated? How have the Globalists managed to lock down the planet and cause 20 million people to starve to death over the past 17 months without an actual virus? Some argue that viruses don’t even exist, which is a whole other topic that further confuses matters.

Mike Adams is joined by virologist, Dr Judy Mikovits to explain all of this. He tells her that he has a food and supplement safety laboratory and that he has not found any certified reference material for the COVID-19 virus. He says, “Apparently, it does not exist. Why would that be?”

read full descr here:

Mike Adams
Brighteon Conversations

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fellowshipofthemystery 3 años hace

Where does she get Ivermectin? Doctors won't prescribe it. Of anyone here knows where to get it, please let me know.

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