The build up to Mike Lindell's Cyber Symposium has been epic in proportion- there were 40 million unique viewers who tuned in, eager to see the evidence of what most people around the world suspect happened in the 2020 US Presidential election. For three days, millions of us were glued to FrankSpeech.com as the evidence was presented in a cohesive way for everyone to finally see. But what happened BEHIND the scenes is a story that only the Providential hand of God could have ordered.
The amazing women at Ohio Battleground Alliance hosted Dr. Frank at a church in southern Ohio where he spoke publicly about the Cyber Symposium for the first time since last week. He kept us all captivated the entire evening! Mike Lindell and his team had a plan in place for those three days, but as Dr. Frank laid out so clearly: God had another plan entirely. And in the words of Dr. Frank, the outcome of this event truly spells the beginning of the end for the battle we've been fighting since November of 2020. Likely it also spells the beginning of the end of the spiritual battle we've been fighting in our nation and around the world for far longer!