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Donald Marshall Wrote Our Favorite Songs: Volume 2

Voice From the Deep Underground
Published on 13 Aug 2022 / In Music

see my thoughts on making this documentary:

In this video there is, compile,d a random bunch of songs that are remembered out of the past and songs listed on , scouted out clues from Donald in the lyrics, and clues from the video makers, who are aware of Donald, and are leaving clues also, in the videos, and also from noticing Donald's writing style. the "Rise climax and fall" motif melody lines.. its clearly comprehendable when you know what to look and listen for; Anything in the Lyrics about getting stabbed shot or beaten , anything referring to an arena and an entertainer under pressure or and lyrics about "saying too much" of a secret that could be hinted at only, and not spoken of openly, etc. Once you know Donald's story you'll get the real meaning of all these songs and you'll be pissed. but you'll have to love Donald for doing what he had to. This is going to wake up the world. When people realize just about all their favorite songs were written by the same guy...and that he has a secret message for them...the message is."help me" Donald's Been Trapped in this situation for a long time. and he wants to expose these people and whats going on so the people will rise up do something about this atrocity.CLONING AND TORTURE. once people realize it's their own children involved in this, and they didn't even know what it was up until now, they'll freak out they'll be pissed as hell. especially the mothers... no mother wants her child harmed...what if she or he or another is harmed remotely? and you don't know about it? because they can take your kids DNA and clone them. your kid sleeps. and the clone wakes up at the base underground with your child's soul essence in it... they get used by perverts in bad and awful ways for sick twisted pleasure of the insane kind. then you kids wake up in bed the next day with no memory of it. but it feels like they had a nightmare maybe or something like that but it felt like they "were there". Help us expose this . It concerns us all as. The secrets Donald reveals are life changing, painful at first , for the betterment of us all in the end.
i debated whether or not to include in each video , a time stamp, which would show the year the song was made and Donald's age at the time. i decided not to in the interest of saving time. Donald's Birthday is September 30th 1975 if you want to figure out how old he was as a kid writing the songs you can do the math..he started very young at 5 so..

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get informed, help Donald, and all of us helping him to spread the word to everyone you know so we can get human cloning exposed and stopped!!! And Protect Humanity from these unreal monsters Donald talks about.! Please help us get this exposed .thank you.

P.S. they might even be doing it to your kids. Are they having nightmares? are they bright and talented? Good looking? That's who gets picked. Be aware.

Free pdf's of the Donald Marshall Story Compiled form Donald's Writing.

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Voice From the Deep Underground

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Voice From the Deep Underground

You can help by sharing this with music fans communities 80s 90s 2000 2010s all the best selling singles are Donald's. some bands get all , or a lot of songs from him usually the top selling hits. Donald learned, from painful trial and error, the "Secret Formula" of how to make a hit song everytime and he did it for 30 thirty years. Donald has millions of fans that don't even know they're his fans. Let's see, do you think we can tell them all about Donald, our favorite songwriter?! This is gonna make when people were looking for"Paul is dead" clues in Sgt. Pepper look like nothing. When people realize there are literally thousands of clues in thousands of songs all pointing to Donald Marshall they'll freak out about being lied to, but we'll get over it. And realize they've lied to us about EVERYTHING.

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