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Commentary On Donald Marshall Wrote Our Faves

Voice From the Deep Underground
Published on 15 Aug 2022 / In Music

Guys: Please share these links with the music fans communities you can find on facebook and everywhere else on the internet..Music fan pages on the internet have the largest numbers of people's eyes and ears paying attention to them...more so than any other fans will want to know this about their favorite songs written by someone they don't even know...they will want to know who he is..they'll be pissed off that they've been lied to but they'll get over it... its inevitable that everyone knows about this.. the numbers of people that have enjoyed Donald Marshall's music over the last 42 years is incalculable. And Donald has left THOUSANDS OF CLUES IN THOUSANDS OF SONGS. THIS is going to make that time when people were looking for clues of Paul's death in the Sgt Pepper album look like a puff of dust. .there's not much time left. So let's get the word out .

Please help us get this done. Help us save these kids from torture. Share the links.

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Voice From the Deep Underground

"the hook" by Blues traveler written by Donald obviously.... listen for when he gets the adrenaline injection...almost like someone told him to "suck it in" and that's the words he uses to start the lyric rant/ramble in that section of the song. unreal but true. many of the popular songs you've heard over the last 42 years containig high speed rants/ramblings were made by Donald after his clone gets an adrenaline injection. "we didnt start the fire " by Billy Joel comes to mind. "end of the world as we know it" by R.E.M. is another, just to name a couple.

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