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Donald Marshall Wrote Our Favorite Songs: Vol1- (2)

Voice From the Deep Underground
Published on 31 Aug 2022 / In Music

Watch Part 2 here:


Donald Marshall, at the age of 5, began writing songs required by his captors at the cloning center in the Deep Underground Military Bases of the USA and Canada.. He had to ward off their perpetrating acts of terror and torture that they'd do to him if he didn't come up with a hit song. In this video i wanted to let the music speak for itself. if you listen closely you can hear:
1. some of the clues Donald put in the music to warn people of what was going on ...and is still going on today.
2. The songwriting style of Donald Marshall as described in the beginning of the video. Specifically the melodies doing the " rise climax and fall" motif.
3. The feelings Donald went through during the creation process, pain anguish fear, and the "roles" he was able to play for the different artistic situations to accommodate whatever was needed by the varying genres.

Its all there right in front of us....right inside our favorite songs.

follow Donald on Instagram

Donald Marshall created some great music, even though it sucks the way they got it from him, i cant help but admire the talent he displayed through out the ordeal, and the amazing unifying effect his music has had on the population , in as much as, WE ARE ALL FANS OF HIS MUSIC and SOME just don't know it yet. EVERYONE OF YOU READING THIS HAVE A FAVORITE SONG THAT DONALD MARSHALL WROTE.... At this time, we who are in the movement of exposing R.E.M. human cloning are in need of help... to make the public aware of whats going on. The only "evidence" of having been abused in this way is traumatic shock, nerve disorders, shadow memories, and what you would call "horrible nightmares" .(see the movie "Hostel" ) Usually, those who get this abuse are dismissed as "crazy", put away somewhere, or end up drunk, drugged or dead by "suicide". help us please before they silence us all and the truth dies with us..and with your help....this is not over...this has just begun. the people must spread this!

Free Downloadable pdf's with the Volumes of clearly explained books with ihfo about the Donald Marshall Story. Please read; you'll be blown away.

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Voice From the Deep Underground

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Voice From the Deep Underground

yeah all those warnings at the end ..i was gonna put it on youtube first then decided to put it here on ugetube

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Voice From the Deep Underground

follow Donald on twitter/x @DMofficialtruth

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Voice From the Deep Underground
Most People are so 'FAN LOYAL' that they initially resist to believe the truth, (even with the evidence in their face), they have put so much stock in music celebrities, trust and love them, almost worshiping them,(in some cases) for providing the "soundtrack of their lives" ...when confronted with the knowledge that that soundtrack was not written by who people were told it was for so many years, they recoil ...that's normal and expected...lookup cognitive dissonance, the truth is most people cannot face the fact that they have been lied to and BELIEVED IT for so many years. "its easy to fool people its almost impossible to show them that they have been fooled", because nobody wants to admit they've been wrong,...not even to themselves. this is where the term "bust your balloons" or "bubbles" comes in, because we all live in "bubbles" of information. The information you know makes up your world. we all function on some "normal level" based on this information we carry in our minds. Information contrary to your world view can be upsetting, because it shows you , you've been fooled, lied to, conned and unwittingly fell for it. Just like what they did to us with Santa Clause. But on a worldwide scale involving EVERYTHING. Remember when you were a kid and the "Santa Clause 'bubble'" busted? Well its just like that but it involes EVERYTHING. To the music fans, yes it is difficult to absorb when faced with the knowledge that your favorite artist is a fabrication, a conglomeration of different songwriters, fashion consultants, media consultants, brand managers, etc. ALL CONTRIBUTING TO THAT ONE ARTIST OR GROUP, TO CREATE AN "IMAGE" . They are providing nothing more than a PRODUCT FOR YOUR CONSUMPTION AND DISTRACTION. THEY STUDY YOU TO SEE WHAT YOU WILL FALL FOR AND THEN SELL IT TO YOU AND THE REAL TALENT WHO MADE THE SONGS GOES TO THIS DAY, UNREWARDED.

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