Doctors Around the World Issue Dire WARNING DO NOT GET THE COVID VACCINE - Low Res.
Holocaust two - You reap what you sow. Deuteronomy 30:19 - KJV - I did warn them - Mark Steele
Everyone Everywhere Urgently Needs to See This! The Covid-19 Genocide - The Greatest HOAX by Claire Edwards
Biggest Crime of the Century.
Volunteer In Coronavirus Vaccine Trials Develops Grievous Sores on Both Her Feet – Rev 16:1-2??
The big C word a cancer across the countries – Mark Steele
COVID-19 Fraud Exposed - Freedom Is Essential New Jersey
I Am The Last Surviving Prosecutor of the Nuremberg Trials

Hopefully someone watching this finally wakes the freak up! Every alarm bell in you body should be going off... If you haven’t realized you are being hustled... Now I hear that the 3 stooges will be taking a shot on television in order to convince the public that this crap is safe! Haha!
Your ass! Watch 3 half breeds inject saline solution and desperately try to convince the public otherwise!!!!!!
If people were dying left and freakin right! Ambulance would be screaming down the streets.... Funeral homes would be on overload! You would constantly wittiness funeral cars filling the streets daily! You would know someone that died from this shit... or at least know someone that knew someone that died from this.
Wake up! Do not yield! Take control & keep control of your life! Your health is not up to the state to control!
Please! Wake Up!