Diversity or Science: You Can’t Have Both
Jared Taylor explains how the search for "diversity" is suppressing science.
The transcript of this video is available here: https://www.amren.com/videos/2021/09/diversity-or-science-you-cant-have-both/
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In true Orwell speak, progresses fight true progress, Anna Socialism leads to a huge disparities in outcomes.

Science requires discipline, accuracy, intelligence, and a little creativity. Turning the science in reproducible, reliable products and services requires more effort, craftsmanship, ingenuity, and investment. You can not lower standards, lie about all races being the same, and promote hearsay and superstition and get the same outcomes.
In basketball only the very elite, multiple standard deviations off the average, become professionals. While the cut is not as severe for scientists, it is still a relative few who have the talent. The opportunities are all around to everyone who is interested. Unlike in basketball, most people choose out on their own instead of being cut.
As Jared says, you can have science or diversity, you can't have both.

Diversity destroys Science, just like it destroys everything good.