TRANSLATION: Your credit cards not only have a chip to track your purchases, they also have an antenna so you can be tracked whether you use it or not
TRANSLATION: Your credit cards not only have a chip to track your purchases, they also have an antenna so you can be tracked whether you use it or not

It is much worse...
back in 2008 a crew of freemasonic medical mafia left the University of Calgary to covertly implant a guy visiting Drumheller.
The guy was a rebel by nature, a human-rights advocate. He developed a understanding that a bunch of thUgs are running Canada, The freemasons covertly brainchipped him by tricking him to consume some magnetic nano-particles. Then, while he slept, nano-tech, magnetic-beaming, non-lethal weapons were used to render him unconscious for his brainchip implant surgery.
Once that A.i. in the wireless brainchip mapped his brain neuron activity and could model all neurons, then the technology could instantly render him unconscious if he consumed magnetic nano-particles.
The Freemasonic-Luciferians are the most pathetic traitors upon Earth: