Democrats Pass New Gun Control Bill, Media Launches Creepy Coordinated Propaganda On Gun Crime
Democrats Pass New Gun Control Bill, Media Launches Creepy Coordinated Propaganda On Gun Crime. The new bill HR 8, which was supported by some Republicans, would expand background checks and require private sales to have a background check effectively ending them.
Its under the guise of a simple background check but would nationally prohibit people from selling to each other without going to a proper location.
But the bigger story is the coordinated media campaign. A series of articles all nearly identical just swapping out location but pushing the same narrative, gun crime is skyrocketing and perhaps the solution is gun control.
It may just be an A/B testing effort to target localities but the end result is the same. Crime waves sparked by defunding police are being used to justify gun control measures
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democrats are responsible for the uptick in crime after they defunded the police...its a tactic to take away guns.