Creepy Joe Continues To Be Creepy As He Says Black Entrepreneurs Don't Have Lawyers & Accountants!
President Joe Biden visited Oklahoma on Tuesday to honor victims and survivors of the Tulsa Race Massacre(Black Wall Street), which took place 100 years ago on May 31 and June 1 in 1921.
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Hey EZ4....SHOW ME..WTF..that scumbag has Enriched the SBA....and show me...Who gets the help from a 1.50 LOL if you believe that..I gotta bridge to sell you in Death Valley..

Brother..this Scumbag aint worth the air he sucks up!

Next to Hitler...Moron biden..makes hitler look like a FKING Genius!! lol him and Camel-Ugh...Are Just Moron puppets..for the Tyranical Globalists
THE Mother fucker aint my President !