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Day 229: Ukraine War Map

The Analyst (New Real Media)
Published on 10 Oct 2022 / In News and Politics

10th October 2022. A down to earth and simplified look at the day-by-day happenings on the ground in Ukraine. Including news, personnel losses and imagery - for Day 229.

Now standing at 62,860 Russian military personnel loses as of 10th October 2022.

These analysis videos also tend to make commentaries on the shortfalls of an autocratic way of governance, like that of Russia.

More over, it's been relatively easy to come across daily findings in my research of failures of this autocratic system (where power is consolidated by one person at the top[Putin]) - thereby making a system whereby people are afraid to speak truth to power, and an inability for henchmen/oligarchs/etc to communicate to the man at the top, critically, about the critical (pernicious) issues.

ie. An increasingly isolated and unaware Vladimir 'Presitator' Putin.

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-- Right now this is a labor of love for me
-- However I really am needing to upgrade to better computer and microphone equipment: as such, if you would be willing to "Super Thanks" me, that would mean so much to me!

** Videos created for purposes such as criticism, commenting, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. This content is edited as short excerpts and shared only for the purpose of awareness; all with a dose of Political Satire.

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