Very good of you to expose the thought-monitoring aspects of the hivemind Dr. Madej.
The picture that Madej is painting is not quite complete, though. An injection in the arm is not going to monitor the brain's synaptic and neuron activity, yet Madej says the arm injection will monitor thoughts. I think Madej is actually misleading us now by hiding the medical-mafia installed computer-brain-interface that Dr. Rauni Kilde was exposing https://ugetube.com/watch/dr-r....auni-kilde-interview And I liked Madej because I could not find a hole in her presentation until now.
Madej should realize as a doctor that in order to translate the neuron activity of the brain that a massively complex interface needs to be installed. Wires into the brain that Elon Musk claims his Neurolink will provide bluetooth thought typing onto the smartphone is a blatant lie.
The most truth that I found about the synthetic mind reading other than from Dr. Kilde was from Polina Anikeeva: https://ugetube.com/watch/poli....na-039-s-magnetic-pu
Mind reading by one of these fantastically sophisticated interfaces cannot be injected into the arm and flow to the brain. A hole must be drilled into the skull and the implant inserted by a medical-mafia team that visits targets while they are asleep, locked doors do not keep Freemason thUgs out while you are asleep, you must chain or bar the premises or room that you sleep.... believe me, the thUgs will brainchip anyone who is not dead-bolted secure where they sleep.
Once fallen asleep a magnetic beam can render anyone unconscious while laying still using nano-tech beams from microscopic surveillance devices that can even be poked into the weatherstiping of a door and is powered up by the microwaves in the air, called induction.
I though Madej was on the route to realizing that the hivemind of the freemasons requires a significant brain-interface, but no... she too is going down the route of hiding the brainchip-interface just like Alex Jones and all the rest of the Judas Goats.
Come on Madej, expose the truth of the solid brainchip and don’t just strike fear of nano-bots and hydrogel into the minds of the unsworn people... hmm I hope she is not compromised. Alex Jones has been avoiding the brainchip interface and freemasons like all others except William Cooper and Rauni Kilde, both implanted brain interface exposers and both assassinated.