Dark Outpost 01-21-2021 Secret Police To Spy On Trump Supporters
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Leftists are now openly calling for a new “secret police” unit to be created at the federal level to spy on Trump supporters who commit ‘wrongthink’. Plus…Jessie Czebotar of Illuminate The Darkness with an update on the Netherlands and answers to your questions. And…Greg Halpern on the plan to restore Trump to the presidency. Leave the world you think you know behind and join us at the Dark Outpost! Watch the full show at https://watch.darkoutpost.tv!

So this is why Pelosi was so adamant about Joe winning. she said oh were getting Trump out and joe will be president because they knew they were using dominion voter machines. Now in 8 days they are going to start a trial to yet again go after Trump to impeach. A free man is a dangerous man.

"you can't trust anyone" ... least of all this guy whos been peddling bullshit over the internet for years!

I'm one of your biggest fans if you ever need any help video production-wise I'm your man just let me know this is from the heart