Damn the economy: Saving the Economy vs Saving lives!
Climate change, Covid-19, and other global disasters call for major changes to how we live our lives. However, we are told that solutions such as renewable energy and lock-downs will hurt the economy. Governments say that we need to find a balance between saving lives and saving the economy, and it sounds reasonable to most of the world, until we question what the economy actually is, and what... or more importantly, WHO is being "saved" at the expense of the planet and at the expense of millions of lives lost to covid?. It's time to challenge this made up "dilemma" which is being touted by world leaders. Will you join us in doing that?

When the economy dies, that means people are out of work. When people are out of work they can`t buy the basics required to sustain their lives, like food, shelter and medicine and clothes. That causes people to die. You sound like a globalist asshole.