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Cronus vs Chronos: Who is the God of Time? (Greek Mythology Explained)

Johnny Exodice
Johnny Exodice - 452 Views
Published on 31 Dec 2020 / In Film and Animation

Today we take a look at both Cronus and Chronos to discuss the similarities and differences between them.
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#Cronus #Chronos #GreekMythology

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Johnny Exodice
Johnny Exodice 4 years ago  

Science is NOT the New Religion, it is the Oldest FORM of Worship!!!

Once you know you live inside a Celestial Sphere, and then you go back in time to the Worship of things, and whence you know when you WORSHIP Something, or Anything that means you are TOO BEG OF IT!!! Then you look at all the Names for the Lights and Orbs and Luminaries in the Night Sky, and each Star no matter how “insignificant” has a Mythology associated with it, and you can see why Our FREE MASON World Leaders want We The People too Worship the Moon by saying we landed the God Apollo on Luna, and then when Science States that the SUN is Billions of Miles Away when That disk of light, and heat, and hearth is actually in the FIRMAMENT of the Dome of The Rock, you begin too see a Pattern from the Pleiades to Thomas Orion… There are no Aliens except your Alien way of being raised by [Projection Screens] too produce Stories of Greek and Roman and Egyptian GODS to name just a few, and then these Holly Days we REPEAT every year from St Patrick's Day to St Valentines Day are once again to keep you in a State of WORSHIP cause Too Worship puts you the Individual Person into a STATE OF RAPTURE known as Servitude, and do not Demons and Devils want you to Worship Them and {Beg of Them} just as MASONS Beg Lucifer too be the Light of their Lives and Lies.?.?.?

Look at any Military, and study their COAT OF ARMS to their Statues, and Symbols where CATHOLIC Statues are the new “Pantheon of Gods” to be Worshiped, and To be Begged for PROTECTION when you do WAR IS MURDER when “Murder” is Against The RULE of LAW and ORDER in all Supreme Courts of we Humans, and yet, the People do WAR IS MURDER, and Pray to Allah – Buddha – Shiva – Christ – St Thomas – St Peter, and on and on from MORMONS to any other CULT Indoctrination where as Children, we do not have the FREEDOM to ask: Why must I worship and Beg (Your God) or this or that Deity for Protection.?.?.? After all, when we study the Gods of the ROMANS to Celts to the Hindu, not one God not even {Christ Jesus 1.0} has saved WE THE PEOPLE from this place of Perdition, and Sedition, and Oath Breakers breaking Their OATH OF OFFICE cause so many Military to Religion LEADERS are FREE MASON whom took a BLOOD OATH to the gods of these FREE MASON Lodges where their OATH OF OFFICE to our {States and Nations} and Countries FLAGS and Constitutions are [Null and Void] for a Mason is only loyal to another Mason, and not WE THE PEOPLE of all these (U.N. FLAGS) as nonmason U.N. Citizens…

Do you’m know what and why PURGATORY exist, and why we are all in this {Trick or Treat} world of Liars – Thieves – Pirates – Vampires where you have to “INVITE” these evil wicked Profane People to INJECT you with the COVAX of their Faked World Order Vaccines of COVID19.?.?.? Since it is logical to say: Real Information can be KNOWN by any whom knows how to look up big words, and use them when they speak, the only thing we never get from SCIENCE and MEDICINE that is just another word for SCIENTIST‘ as Doctors and Nurses are more FREE MASON Lodge Members, and why is there a FREE MASON “Lodge” in your Home Town, but you do not know what they do, and why THEY LIVE must live in a Secret Society?????, so they can sell you Pharmaceuticals that are nothing more then POTIONS of Magix + Alchemy + Code = Sorcery!!! You never needed any MEDICINE for it is a DRUG, and Drugs {harm we Humans} of Flesh, and Blood, and Bones, and this is quite easy too prove… Look at the Animals – Birds – Sea-life to Insects to Wilde-life and do you see any other [LIFE Form] making Hypodermic Needles too INJECT Poisons called Cures??? The Animals of the Wilde need no Doctors, Practitioners, nor Physicians, but we The Human Animals and Mammals Do???

Let me be even more clear about things here in The Purgatorial, Does any other “Creation” in NATURE pay to be Born??? Pay to have sex and procreate called Marriage, Pay to have a CERTIFICATE of Death??? No, every thing in Genesis “Day 6” Where G.O.D. says: I have made all these things for you FREE OF CHARGE, and yet, we humans [are told] we must pay to plant and grow our own food??? We Humans are told: by these Incubus and Succubus the Doppelgangers from the OTHER SIDE of Flat Earth that we must “pay taxes” to live here when OUR God gave all things to WE THE PEOPLE free of charge in the The Book of Genesis, and if God Made this world, and not The Grand Architect of them MASON Lodges, then why do {we the people} allow MASONS to run the CORPORATIONS, The Governments, The Military and Weapons of MASS Death and Damnation??? Why you ask??? Cause you are too COWARDLY to say to the MASON in your home town: you are a Liar and a Thief and a Murderer, and as long as you will not Band together as nonmasons, then MASON will always Tell you what to do as “they live” off of your Church Donations and Governmental TAXES!!!

Johnny Exodice

The only “weapons” the MASONS have is to make you nonmasons do their TV Shows… Once you see the MASONS run all the NEWS PAPERS, and Write [all the Books] in your Schools of Thought, then these MASONS have no more SECRETS to make you “Beg” of their Gods in THEIR RELIGIONS, not your religions my People of Pak-Toe for you were {born and raised} by evil wicked people known as Zionist Jesuit be you Muslim, Christians, CATHOLICS, Buddhism, Hindu, and any other CULT that says: You will bow down to me` and you will PRAY to my GOD!!! For is not that (the behavior) of those whom control “at this time” The Governments, and The Religions, and The Military aka BOW DOWN TO ME, a mere MORTAL, or I will Yell and Scream and {Shout at you} till you do Submit – Obey – Comply????

The Society of nonmason~

Since all World Military have been REPLACED with U.N. Troops, and even your local Police my nonmason have been replaced with {FREE MASON C.O.P.S.} known as U.N. FLAG Citizens, when will you band Together and Remove this RACA in [Mathew Five] from your Politics, Religions, Schools of Thought, and “Town Hall” Leadership??? Just ask them: Are you a Mason.?.?.?

The Sentinel….

Back to the Main Point about SCIENCE, as New Year is just one more of THEIR HOLIDAYS where the God “Cronus” is the God of Time……., will you look into the Mythology and Lore of these STARS known as {Angels in Heaven} in your Night Sky too see why PEOPLE Worship these “things” when THEY ARE nothing more then Illuminations called Luminaries in OUR Celestial Sphere Home World of PLANET EARTH where no one went to the moon, and NO One ever will…..

The Commander~


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