COVID Proved that Big Government is NOT the Solution & that Big Gov is Detrimental to EVERYONE!!!
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Published on 24 Apr 2022 / In News and Politics
Government: ¨Oh, gee. There is a virus out there. Looks like it leaked from one of our bioweapon labs. Let´s put our capes on, and TO THE RESCUE! - Power Rangers to the rescue!
When a government is as big and overreaching as the American government, a virus outbreak allows you to ´demonstrate´ your worth and purpose for existance. After all, if a government can´t save its citizens from a virus, then what is the purpose of it (NOT REALLY).
To the rescue, said the big out-of-control government, let´s prove that all this wasteful spending and corruption isn´t bad. We can fix this problem. And all the government did was destroy everything, and we will never get back to normal.
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