Children’s Health Defense: Exposing Causes, Seeking Justice, Protecting Children
Children’s Health Defense's mission is to end the childhood health epidemics by working aggressively to eliminate harmful exposures, hold those responsible accountable, and establish safeguards so this never happens again.

God bless you Robert F.Kennedy Jr.......Jesus' most beloved Love was for children!!!! You are truly blessed when you show such love for children...No matter where they are in the World... God watches and the World watches and your choice of fighting for children is the most incredible blessing anyone could wish for !!!!! God be with you and remove all obstacles in your way....give you the mightiest strength needed to fight this monstrous cult and bring you home victorious in every aspect!!!!! We from Africa know the importance of all babies and children and stand with you in your journey of distributing God's love and protection to every child on this Jesus' Name!!!