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Charlie Ward Says 100% Blockchain Voting System Was Used & Arrests Happening Within Days

Land of the Free
Land of the Free - 3,060 Views
Published on 08 Nov 2020 / In Non-profits and Activism

I don't know who this guy is but this confirms we heard earlier ( Okay, I just read a description of Charlie Ward as being, " Currency Broker & Hotel Contractor - Trump Insider," so I don't know if that helps. I found this video on Rumble ( . It was being censored on Facebook when I tried to follow another link to watch it. That makes me think it's got some truth in it! On a related but different note I received this from someone. Take or leave it. Time will tell if any of this happens, but it's nice to know beforehand just in case it does, to help us understand what's going on:

10 Days of Darkness

We are now about to go into a period of time where the Internet may be shut down for up to no longer than 10 days, when the over 200k federal indictments currently sealed are unsealed. It is to prevent massive rioting and possible, but highly unlikely, civil war.

How did we get to this point?

I will give the Q information here:

1. Trump is not a Deep Stater. He is an outsider. It’s why he is hated by the mainstream media, including the social media giants Twitter, FaceBook & Google. He really means it when he says he came to Washington to DRAIN THE SWAMP.

2. The Deep Staters know if Trump is re-elected, the federal indictments become unsealed and over 200,000 criminal Deep Staters will be arrested and tried for treason against The Constitutional Republic of These United States. It’s the first time such a constitutional crises of this magnitude has happened here since the Civil War. Those who will be arrested comprise a conspiracy of both domestic and foreign subversives who have infiltrated into influential and powerful positions throughout US society. The 200,000+ conspiracists soon to be arrested include politicians, government bureaucrats in federal, state, and local governments, the mainstream media outlets including social media and Hollywood, finance including The Federal Reserve and Wall Street, mid to high level US military officers and their contractors, all courts on every level including the Supreme Court, corporate board and high level executives and administrators, throughout academia and science, medicine, and even religious institutions like the Vatican. There is also foreign infiltration in all these institutions particularly from Deep Staters in intelligence agencies from Western Europe, China, Saudi Arabia, and Israel. Jeffrey Epstein was a Mossad blackmail operation. Also Marxist and Soros funded operations like AntiFa and Black Lives Matter are part of the Deep State under the Federal sealed indictments.

3. These Deep Staters knew Trump was going to win in a landslide before the Chinese Virus attack. The economy was booming.

4. To stop Trump’s re-election to prevent the Deep Staters from being arrested, they launched the Wuhan Virus attack to put the US into a depression and into lockdown so people would be forced to use mail in ballots.

5. The hope of the Deep Staters was that the Virus attack would destroy the economy, make Trump look impotent in an emergency health crises thus causing Trump to lose the election without the Deep Staters resorting to voter fraud.

6. Since the economy has rebounded sharply and most Americans aren’t terrified of the virus and aren’t holding it against Trump, the Deep Staters now had to resort to voter fraud using the mail in ballots to turn the election away from Trump if he was ahead of Biden on election night. The states with strict lockdown requirements were swing states like Michigan and Pennsylvania.

7. The plan was if Trump was ahead in swing states like Michigan, the state would swing to Biden after election night with mail-in votes like we are now seeing in the heavily locked down state of Michigan.

8. Trump has all the evidence he needs on the voter fraud to have the counting stopped and have himself declared winner by the US Supreme Court.

9. The Deep State knows it’s hopeless and all they have left is civil strife and perhaps foreign aided direct attacks, like biological and chemical attacks or worse.

10. To prevent these kind of attacks from happening, Trump has beefed up the US Military, including the National Guard and launched a US domestic white hat intelligence operation called Q. Trump is using the excuse of using the US Military to administer a miraculous developed virus vaccine when they really are in position to make the mass arrests of the Deep Staters.

11. During the operations to arrest the Deep State, the Internet and all other communications, not including your phone service, may be temporarily blacked out up to 10 days to keep innocent casualties to a minimum. The White Hats conducting these operations are not psychopaths, they’re fathers with children who want to prevent all unnecessary casualties.

12. I’m posting this to keep you in the know so you aren’t afraid. The White Hats are in control.

13. I want to note these White Hat operations are being conducted simultaneously worldwide.

14. We are transitioning as peacefully as possible from a very dark age ran by clever psychopaths to world ran by good dads and moms, the Golden Age of Aquarius.

15. Our Heavenly Father has returned, our Earthly Mother has regained Her agency and is healing.



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Johnny Exodice
Johnny Exodice 4 years ago

Teacher…, what type of Weapon was used on the {U.S. Capital} Building in the Great Nuclear Hydrogen War of 1853 to 1854 that ended in 1855??? It is quite apparent that this FAKED SPACE Alien Invasion of PROJECT BLUE BEAM of JADE HELM 15 did not do such Destruction, and since we know The Gods have reawakened, and they [know] @Qball /_\ what has happened here on our Celestial Sphere Home World of Earth……., I would press upon your mind too study The Luminary Lights called these WHITE ORBS we call “The Watchers” from the Book of Enoch!!! I have seen the Watchers in the night sky…..., as many of you have seen them in the Day light and Night Time….., and they are part of this Machine we are ALL {born into} [{**}] that does the Terra Forming from making mountains and Islands to them 2 CONTINENTS “left off” the U.N. FLAT EARTH World Domination Map for this side of FLAT EARTH…., and in the Mud Flood WARS…, these White Dead Light ORBS are what ZEUS Would Call the Titans [{*}] and the Giants that can “Shoot” Supernatural Weapons that Melt “Reticence” Types of BRICKS.., but does not prevail so well against MARBLE STONE that The U.S. Capital is so made of., but during these MUD FLOOD WARS in the [Days of Noah] +=+ and the Great Cataclysm that turned all we MORTAL Humans into {Incubator Babies} / * \ on this side of the World in 1893…….., these Watchers used what seems to be some sort of “Plasma” Marble Melting Beam that Melted a Hole into the Dome of the U.S. Capital……..., and since we have only had Photos of the Front Side of the [U.S. Capital] /-\ in the aftermath of these MUD FLOOD WARS, we had no comprehension nor “appreciation” for what the TITANS aka The EDISON Machine in Santa Barbara California USA with its A.I. GOLEM – Gargoyles – Sphinxes could do if we Puny Humans of Flesh, and Blood, and Bones did not FEED it with our Emotions, or Worship, and IDOL Worship of all these Hollywood and Bollywood Types “on our” ZOOM Chat SCREENS…. That said: Now that we have a true COMPUTER PHOTO from the “Database” of the World Machine as to the Aftermath of the War of The Gods, and the Titans from the Greek and Roman Lore, you would do well to “study” this photo, and compare it to all your other JON LEVI and FLAT EARTH BRITISH Mud Flood Photos, and even them moving photos of the 1800’s to the end of WORLD WAR TWO in 1945… For if you will study the World War Two “photos” and the Vaporized Destruction of the European Nations right after WW2 and WW1 if you can find “any” moving photos of them cities in WORLD WAR ONE, you may come to see We Humans are sent to do WAR IS MURDER, so the Machine can “Terra Form” this world once it has done a Purge of we the people, nature, insects, and all wildlife too sea-life, and for what I can not tell you, but now that we know the DESTRUCTIVE POWER of these “Watchers” that are them White Dead Light Orbs flying all around now, you best not be caught up in this coming Nuclear Hydrogen War with MADE IN CHINA and the NATO {U.S. Alliance} as the U.N. Building is the A.I. MACHINE that “controls” all other machines in our U.N. FLAGS, and as we see: All humans are being replaced by {Androidic Cylon} Machine People in our Battle Star Galtica “LOGUNS RUN” Buck Rogers End of this age life….

It would be in all our interest to TUNNEL into the Underground Cities and Libraries and “Access” the Back Up DATA of all past RESETS…..., and End of Age Recordings: for what happened to the White House at the END Of the Cataclysm MUD FLOOD Wars in 1855 that was wrote out of [human memory] is once again upon us…..., and if we do not [find ways] to STOP these TITANS from the Greek and Roman Mythology of ZEUS and “The Gods” of the Olympics….., then these FAKE JEWS the TALMUD Jesuit Zionist Roman Catholics: and their Eagle and Snake {Bloodlines} will be the least of our worries: as we Mere Mortals in our Temporary Fragile “Bodies” have too Battle These Gods, and Their Titans from the Mount of Olympus aka The Heavens!!!

The Commander~

If you do NOTHING but “deny” our FLAT EARTH two sided Planet of Earth known as this Celestial Sphere, and you continue to participate in the {A LIE AGREED UPON} cause your Oppressors these FREE MASON Lodge Members “TV Screens” and Shows in our Nations say: Decent is allowed…., but Betrayal is Death.?.?.? THEY LIVE are not the ones in “control” of these God Like TITANS from the Books of Greek and Roman Mythological Legends..., and I do not care if their EYES do go SOLID BLACK` they are just as MORTAL as you and WE ARE whom “do not” have EYES that Go Solid Black!!!!

The Society of nonmason~

Any one of you can find “ways” too CUT THE WIRES to these {5G Weapons} of these U.N. Troops in our Police and Military UNIFORM “Costumes” for all our U.N. FLAGS are [Occupied] Nations by these nonhumans the FAKE JEWS of Hollywood on TV from the Other Side of The World!!!

The Sentinel...


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