Cannabis and Spirituality with Joan of Angels and Guest Stephen Gray
Cannabis and Spirituality: with Stephen Gray and host Dr Joan Hangarter, DC, also known as Joan of Angels.
Stephen has been traveling spiritual and sacred medicine pathways for close to 50 years. He is a writer, educator, psychedelic conference organizer, speaker, and cannabis ceremony leader. Stephen is the author of Returning to Sacred World: A Spiritual Toolkit for the Emerging Reality (John Hunt Publishing 2010) and author/editor—along with 17 contributors—of the popular Cannabis and Spirituality: An Explorer’s Guide to an Ancient Plant Spirit Ally. (Inner Traditions/Park Street Press, 2017).
For the past 10 years Stephen has been the creative director of the iconic Spirit Plant Medicine Conference in Vancouver, BC, Canada, ( When not otherwise occupied, Stephen plays and composes music and indulges his love of photography. He lives with his wife in Vancouver.
Facebook: StephenGray Vision
Instagram: Stephen Gray (or StephenGray Vision)
YouTube: StephenGray Vision
420 Spiritual Living
Expand your conscious and supercharge your life with indigenous plant allies.
Tap into the power of consciousness raising plants to uplift and transform your life.
Join us weekly as we look at the history, lifestyle, spiritual and practical applications of these ancient remedies to literally raise your awareness and increase your vitality.
Our host, Joan of Angels, will explore the use of consciousness plants to restore your body, as well as your soul. Experience canna - wellness – canna yoga- canna - life - style and canna-miracles!
Plant elixers have been used for thousands of years world-wide for healing, daily living, ceremonial rituals, and spiritual ecstasy. Explore the variety of ways to gain inner peace, harmony and physical well-being using these teacher plants. Canna-bliss and other teacher plants can improve your vibratory frequency allowing you to step into your higher, more positive self.
Find out more about the use of powerful plant allies to find balance and harmony in your daily life. Explore a deeper spirituality and consciousness as well as new ways of living.
More about Joan of Angels here: