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Call to Action: Family Member Receiving Medical Treatment on Test Result Alone

369 Vues
Publié le 25 Apr 2021 / Dans

This video is about my mother who had a positive PCR (50% of them are false positive) and the doctor did not do an assessment and sent her for an antibody treatment that costs thousands of dollars. I filed a complaint against his medical license with the Georgia Medical Board. If you know other people this has happened to, you need to do the same.

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Marilyn Watene
Marilyn Watene 3 années depuis

Medical Tyranny. This is not fair and free government. We need to stand up and have a little civil disobedience by letting our officials know in no uncertain terms we do not consent. Forward MARCH!!! I would join you but I live in New Zealand and am heart sick at what is going on in MY COUNTRY!!!!! (AND THE REST OF THE WORLD)

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