Brined and Oven Roasted Turkey
Brined and Oven-Roasted Turkey
Brining is a great way to preserve the succulence of a roasted turkey, it locks moisture into the meat and helps to crisp up the outer skin. The result is juicy meat that carves nicely and presents beautifully, but the best thing about it is the taste!
For the brine:
750ml/26 fl oz water
1 cup salt
1 cup soft brown sugar
Half cup of seasoning salt of your choice
Tsp dried thyme or a sprig of fresh thyme
Tsp dried sage or a sprig of fresh sage, chopped
Tbsp black peppercorns
In a large saucepan, bring to a boil and stir to dissolve the salt and sugar
Top up with 750ml/26 fl oz cold water
Add 1 cup cider vinegar or white wine vinegar
Place your fresh or defosted turkey in a suitably sized food safe container
Add 1 party bag of ice
Add the brine
Add two heads of garlic, cut in half or crushed
Top up with water and weight down the turkey with food safe items until it is completely immersed
Stand 24 hours or at least overnight
Drain, pat dry the turkey, discarding the brine
Baste the turkey with oil and season well
If required, stuff the neck end only
Place 2 halves of lemon or half an onion in the body cavity to retain moisture
Weigh the prepared turkey
Place the turkey breast-down in a roasting tin and cover with foil to seal
Roast at 180C/350F for 35-40 minutes per kilogram/16-18 minutes per lb
Uncover, baste and turn breast side up for the last 40 minutes of cooking time
Check the internal temperature has reached at least 75C/165F at the thickest part
Allow to stand for at least 20 minutes before carving
The internal temperature will rise slightly as the bird stands, before it begins to cool down
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