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BREAKING: MTG Investigating Reports Of Votes Being Flipped In Georgia + The Congresswoman Responds To Biden Issuing Martial Law Directives To The Military

Infowars - 37 Views
Published on 21 Oct 2024 / In News and Politics

BREAKING: MTG Investigating Reports Of Votes Being Flipped In Georgia + The Congresswoman Responds To Biden Issuing Martial Law Directives To The Military

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David Simmons
David Simmons 5 hours ago

Hello MTG, You just about got to section 4, in Article IV where a Republican Gov't is guaranteed in every State. By the Federal Government. Oh and by the way have you ever found the word democracy anywhere in our Constitution?

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David Simmons
David Simmons 5 hours ago

Hello MTG Get in touch with "the white hats" They will rectify, right now.

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sodige1288 7 hours ago

★彡[??? ?? ???? ????? ?????? ???? ???? ?????? ???? ???? ???]彡★

I m­a­k­e m­o­r­e t­h­e­n $12,000 a m­o­n­t­h o­n­l­i­n­e. It’s e­n­o­u­g­h t­o c­o­m­f­o­r­t­a­b­l­y r­e­p­l­a­c­e m­y o­l­d j­o­b­s i­n­c­o­m­e, e­s­p­e­c­i­a­l­l­y c­o­n­s­i­d­e­r­i­n­g I o­n­l­y w­o­r­k a­b­o­u­t 11 t­o 12 h­o­u­r­s a w­e­e­k f­r­o­m h­o­m­e. I w­a­s a­m­a­z­e­d h­o­w e­a­s­y i­t w­a­s a­f­t­e­r I t­r­i­e­d i­t…
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