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Brazilians Driving Illegally and DANGEROUSLY in Framingham with Impunity, Nov 15, 2022

nosixmillion - 147 Bekeken
147 Bekeken
gepubliceerd op 16 Nov 2022 / In Nieuws en Politiek

Cops do nothing about illegals driving in Framingham,Mass - they must have a STAND DOWN ORDER.

#1) a friend of ours, whose name is Earnest, was crossing in his car on a very busy road and an individual in another car ran the red light and plowed into his car, totaling it. No one was hurt but his car had to be towed away at his expense. The person who had run the red light had no driver's license and no insurance. The police would not detain her despite Earnest's attempt to affect that. In fact the officer allowed her to drive her car away again not having a license or insurance. Earnest saw this person driving two days later in the same car that hit him. He didn't have a car because of her but she was driving her car that literally was the weapon of choice.
#2) Jim and I walk down his street, over on Bishop Street and cross the intersection which we also call the "West Bank," just as lethal where instead of Israel IDF snipers (against the Palestinians), there are illegals in cars. Now they have a law here in Framingham that cars are to defer and allow passage of pedestrians across the crosswalks. We never assume these people in these cars are going to stop. And there are two directions. So last Friday, Jim and I were crossing for attempting to cross bishop and Clark's Hill to go up the hill. The cars to the left of us had stopped. On the right the first car stopped, the second car behind the first car stopped but the third car only stopped after they rammed into car #2, which rammed into car #1. We proceeded to finish our walk up the hill and around the social security building and came back down. I could see that there were about three police cars that had advanced toward the 3-car crash site. So we came down, deciding that we would provide eye witness accounts of this collision. We noticed that the occupants of all three vehicles in this three-car now pile up were immigrants, probably illegal. There were three police cars, three policemen, but we addressed the one closest to us and then Jim went and talked to one a little bit further down so we were both offering our eyewitness account of what happened. The policeman with whom I was speaking, after I said I saw the whole thing happen said, "well accidents happen." I said, "they happen when they don't pay attention." Jim was saying that the person in the third car that had rammed into the second one that ran into the first one was declaring it was not her fault. We again reasserted that our eyewitness testimony could clear up everything that had happened despite what the drivers may or may not have been saying. English was not a really strong first language as we learned. The policeman didn't want to take our names or numbers or even our testimony. So we went on home.

The police here in MA anyway seem to have a stand down policy where illegals are concerned. And the illegals know it. The illegals' weapon of choice is a car, having a license to kill without them being required to have a license. The host population deals with this constantly here and have so for the past 20 years. You might understand why we have a less than amiable opinion about policeman up here.

Law and order/serve and protect ... Not the law of the land up here.

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