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Brad A. Heward our guest one v one, we are so honored to have Brad on board. Amazing . #maapreal

Roy Burkhow
Roy Burkhow - 192 Views
Published on 10 Feb 2021 / In News and Politics

Live with Mr. Brad A. Heward.
MAAP Real Talk Show.
Host George Nemeh MAAP Media copyrights 2021.
Camera Nancy Howell
#maapreatalkshow​ #maapmedia​ #likeitis​ #raw​ #drawyourownconclusions​ #bradaheward​ #georgenemeh​

Arizona #arizona​ #chandler​

Most of my Professional life, I managed several Big Ticket retail stores, mostly in the New Car Business. I received an AA Degree in Automotive Business Management. I managed every department of our family business, including a Cessna Aircraft Franchise and four retail locations of Manufactured Homes. I became the General Manager for many years, specializing in Sales Management and Training Sciences, training my sales force in communications skills.

By 1990, we sold off all of these businesses, so that my father could retire, comfortably. This left me without a job. I took my passions for aircraft to Tucson, where I started a Quicksilver Ultralight Aircraft Franchise. After several years of studying the Science of Stealth Aircraft Technology, I moved to Houston, Texas, where I built a very successful Ultralight Aircraft Manufacturing Company and six full-service Ultralight Airports around Texas. This experience in Stealth Technology, led me to Congress and ultimately a High-Level Security Clearance. The Under Secretary of The U.S. Navy offered me a Huge Contract. I turned it down. Nobody owns me. Maybe a bad mistake? I am very used to The Government abusing me.

Something happened in 2005 that changed me for life. I had to become a Third Party Advocate for Human Rights, just to be able to discuss the subject matter involved. Transhumanism is directly related to Human Trafficking. Just another “Very Sick People” Slave Market. It is called “Head in a Box” Syndrome. They turned our people into SLAVES and Psychopaths. Addicted to Drugs and Online Voice-to-Skull Mind Games. Worthless Noise. A Virtual Life. “Don’t forget to wear your mask at home, to Protect Your Face” – Pseudo Biden.
I was always a Scientist, focusing on just facts, in order to draw a Logical Conclusion. It ALWAYS leads me on the same Path! The MONEY! Who works a job and time to waste playing Internet Games Involving Mind Control. Now, I am an Investigator, for and of The Patriot Party. “Aggravated Identity Fraud” is a very telling subject for me. Apolitical. Not THE JUDGE! The “Junkies” need mental help. No Assets? Get a job, or starve.

My favorite story is “There Ain’t No Free Lunch”, then, I published the Real Stories, while being Censored AND Shadowbanned.

Now, my Intel says The U.S. Space Force is control, finally. Joe Biden is PHONEY PUPPET and I can and will Prove It! The Science of Modern Satanism, right here:​​​​​

My Book might be called “II DIE IV”, for Domestic Terrorism and Treason. I am with Trump. This is Extreme Satanism. Drain THE SWAMP! What do “They” contribute? Nada. They are a Sucking Sound. “Enforce The Law” “Boo Hiss! Huh? I am one American Patriot that helped write a Contrary Story to all of The Major Con Jobs. “The CON-CON” if you will. My Final Question is…to those Slaves. Was it worth Eternal Damnation? Those dice were LOADED WITH LIES!

Censorship? Shadow Banned? Yup. A BUNCH, but this PURE EVIDENCE against the Crimes Against Humanity Made By The Government, FOR THE GOVERNMENT, is still available to We The People. This is a PUBLIC RECORDS REPORT on a very Sinister Subject Matter. NANOETHICS? I have all the Evidence Documented and Cataloged. Check this one out. It will Blow YOUR MIND:​

Was Comey, Butner, or Fauci in charge at the time? Let’s ask Hollywood. J.J. Abrams made BIG MONEY on The Subject of Espionage. “BAD ROBOT”. Fiction based on Facts. CIA involved? Count on it. Do Drugs Much? Yup. The NIH article even admits to creating Cyborgs for Espionage and Monsters for Mass Assassinations, like we have witness over the past four decades. I started out as a Sales Trainer/Instructor. Today I train people how to run Background Checks, in order to determine whom we can trust and who is not credible. Unfortunately, that is the “Dark Winter” we live in. It will be over very soon, so relax.

It is my Professional opinion these are the reasons why President Trump has implemented The Insurrection Act and put The U.S. Military in control of our corrupt government. I am hoping to see a Real Election happen in April, so I suggest patience and Faith in God to remain calm until the issues of a Fraudulent Election are resolved.

In Jesus’ Name. Amen.


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