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Boy Finds Lost Mayan Pyramids In Jungle

spirit warrior of the mist man
Published on 23 Apr 2023 / In People and Blogs

"15-Year-Old Boy Discovers Lost Mayan Pyramids Aligned with Stars"

William Gadoury, a 15-year-old boy, has made an astonishing discovery that has eluded archaeologists for decades. He noticed that the ancient Mayan ruins matched up with constellations in the sky, and used Google Earth to locate 117 Maya sites that were precisely aligned with star systems, including finding a trio of stars the Maya revered that we had overlooked before. He has uncovered the remains of a very ancient pyramid and a city that has lain abandoned for over a thousand years. The findings will be published in a reputable academic journal, and he has given the vanished metropolis a provisional name, octi (meaning "fire mount"). This video reveals the story of how a talented young individual has made a groundbreaking discovery.

#MayanPyramids #WilliamGadoury #AncientCities #Archaeology #StarAlignments #LostCivilizations

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