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Bongino misses a really big point here!

Texas Outlaw
Texas Outlaw - 88 Views
Published on 24 May 2022 / In News and Politics

I like Dan Bongino and often watch his show!
The issue I have is that it seems all of the folks with a BIG PLATFORM seem to always miss reporting on some things!

They are more about "Politics" than they are TRUTH!
I like Dinesh D'Souza a lot too. But he's an old Republican party guy, and oftentimes everything is more political than it is about TRUTH!

NONE of the guys who have a really large platform said ANYTHING about Vaccine Deaths and adverse reactions until really late in the game! And Republicans are still not talking about these issues!

With the exception of Ron Johnson. And thank the Almighty Lord Above for him! He has been the ONLY one in Congress tackling these issues!

My point is simple... It's NOT about "Politics" anymore!
There are people in this world doing very #Evil things and claiming that it's in the name of health... It's NOT!

The supposed "Covid19 Vaccine" (Which is NOT a vaccine) is a
"GENE THERAPY" treatment! In other words it is modifying your genome! And few are talking about it!

Do you know that is exactly why "The God of the Old Testament" said for His followers to "Kill them ALL"???

People claim that he was "mean" and "ruthless" etc....
That was not it all. Satan had modified the human genome, the result were the nephilim giants. Rob Skiba passed last year, but everyone should check out his videos on YouTube about the Nephilim!

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