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Black Sheep Mantra: An in-depth thesis of those who are set apart (you can skip this upload)

DemonX212 [Conspiracy FACTIST]
Published on 24 Jan 2025 / In People and Blogs

[Disclaimer] - the video is hard to hear at certain points due to sound remover. The longer a video is, the more chopped up the clean audio becomes.

I wanted this on record to explain the path you may receive if you ask the most high, "What is my purpose...?"

How an individual wakes up depends on what they are seeking to understand. So few will be granted the wisdom and knowledge to explore their calling. But once you understand that calling, your life is going to go dark afterwards.

It's not abandonment by God and/or you're not being Forsakened by God. He has to show you the intent of the people you call "family" and distance you from their distractions. In other words, you will finally see the demon side to their heart. Your calling isn't just for your own personal journey. You will be set to acknowledge many total stranger's along the way.

Jesus wasn't sent to earth to only help his family and friends achieve enlightenment. He shared his gift's and blessing's to everyone. Jesus had followers to help others stray from lust, greed, selfishness. These were his Black Sheep. Set apart from the rest of the herd.

The other white sheep will push back. Believing in the lies and being amused by distractions. They will easily slip into a darkened world of lust, greed, chaos, gluttony, adultery. We as the Black Sheep must turn them from their ways. They know no better but to follow darkness because it's pleasurable.

Not everyone will be saved, but the majority must be saved for the greater good. With each generation of life, there will come a Black Sheep to correct you towards a path of enlightenment and to seek the understandings of God.

Question being... will you believe and awaken?

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Theroadtroll 26 days ago sheep in pa too,pretty dang cold.stay safe

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DemonX212 [Conspiracy FACTIST]

You as well, Black Sheep! We call each other Patriots when it comes to people who love freedom of Life and Liberty. When it comes to truth and enlightenment, I going to address every one as Black Sheep.

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